
Showing posts from July, 2020

31st July 2020 - Florac

Epic mountain trail run this morning. Reached over 1000m!! Spent afternoon in Saint Enime.  Gorgeous little medieval town down the Tarn gorge. Really pretty.

30th July 2020 - Florac

Got up early and had a great mountain run.  Then rushed back to drive to Tarn gorge for Kayaking.  Had a brilliant afternoon despite the 40 degree heat. Finished the day with a meal out in Florac.

29th July 2020 - Florac

Had a lovely run this morning exploring the area despite being hungover.   This afternoon we had a drunken lunch in a little square in Florac. 1L of cheap French white wine.  Explored the place a bit more. Now back at the van about to have a splash in the river.

28th July 2020 - Florac

Just arrived at the Flower site at Florac.  It’s so hot!!  Absolutely melting.  Site is okay. First impressions is it’s not as nice as the last two, but it’s early days. Going out for pizza tonight, restaurant on site.

26th July 2020 - Annecy

Got up early this morning for an interval run then a swim. We then biked to Annecy for a picnic.  Gorgeous medieval town built on canals.  Really nice place. A bit over crowded with tourists but you can’t have everything.   Might go back in the water now as I’m melting in the 30 deg heat.

25th July 2020 - Annecy

Had a lovely ride around the lake this morning. Thought it was going to be flat. It isn’t! Big climb on far side really tested me. This afternoon me and Mel went paddle boarding. A bit choppy with all the speedboats to stand. I tried and fell in!  Great fun. So good spending time with Mel.  Love her loads.

24th July 2020 - Annecy

It was raining this morning so had a wet 8 mile run around the lake path. We then had a slow cycle to a restaurant for lunch. First French salad of the holiday.  Now back at the van chilling. It’s now really really hot!!

23rd July 2020 - Annecy

Long drive from Switzerland to lake Annecy.  Sad to leave Jungfrau.  Probably the most stunning place I’ve ever been to. Site at Annecy (Le Soletaire du Lac) is quite big and feels touristy after Switzerland.  Right on the lake though which is good.  Weather is really hot so cooled down with a 20min swim.

22nd July 2020 - Lauterbrunnen

Caught the cable car and train to Mürren today.  Stunning little ski village and views were different from the other side of the valley. Would probably stay here if we came on a ski trip. Had lunch which was excellent at the hotel Bellview. Heading back now and going for a run. Last day. We head to France tomorrow.

21st July 2020 - Lauterbrunnen

We got the train up Jungfraujoch today to the station at the top. Bit touristy but views we awesome. Unbelievable that they tunnelled through the mountains to built the rail track. Opened in 1912.  Had crazy weather today. Warm at the bottom, blizzards and cold at the top then finished the afternoon with thunder and rain. After lunch we went to Grindelwald and caught the bubble lift to First.  We did the cliff walk before a long train home.

20th July 2020 - Lauterbrunnen

Got the train to Wengen today and then cable car to the mountain tops. We then hiked mainly down trails all the way back to catch the train back. Great day. Really hot and we walked 13 miles.  Saw the north face of the Eiger. Scenery was spectacular.  Had a couple of beers on the way down. Happy days!

19th July 2020 - Lauterbrunnen

Had a great first day.  7 mile exploration run this morning then we hiked to Lauterbrunnen for lunch. Visited Staubach falls on the way then came back via Trummelbach Falls. Absolutely spectacular.  It’s really hot. Sitting down for a coffee now.

18th July 2020 - Lauterbrunnen

8hr drive to get to Camp Breithorn near Lauterbrunnen. Just got everything set up and sitting down for a beer.  Absolutely stunning area. Views from the van are unbelievable. Planning on a bit of a walk around the area looking at waterfalls tomorrow.

17th July 2020 - France

First night stop at Chateau de Gandspette.  Long drive to Switzerland tomorrow. Planning to get going before 6am. Had an easy drive to northern France today and had a few beers before takeaway pizza outside van.  Lovely little sight but seems quieter than it should be.   Just great to be on holiday after a difficult few months.