
Showing posts from August, 2021

28th August 2021 - Budle Bay

Staying on a little site up from Bamburgh. It’s ok. Bit tight packed and facilities could do with a clean and a kick of paint. Walked to Bamburgh castle and back via beach. Absolutely stunning walk and great weather.

27th August 2021 - Bellingham

Really good few days here. Bikes and ran, eaten Chinese and had a great walk. Site is awesome.  On to Bambugh next.

24th August 2021 - Bellingham

Drove to Bellingham today via an ice cream stop at Harestanes and a picnic at Kielder. Meeting my mam and Stuart tonight for food. They are staying at the Cheviot hotel.

23rd August 2021 - Jedburgh

Trip through memory lane. We are at Jedwater. Really strange coming back after so many years. Weird not having my gran and granda.  No tawsies or any other of my mams crowd. It’s lovely to be here but a bit odd.  Yesterday we walked up Cheviot in rain and mist. Bloody miserable but lovely area. Today I biked to the border and back then we walked into Jedburgh for lunch. Fish and chips at the Carter’s rest. Mel is a bit broken now after all the hiking!

8th August 2021 - Stonehenge

Last day of the holidays. Been a weird holiday really. Windy as hell most of it and a lot of rain. As ever though it’s been great spending time with Melanie. Went for a 7 mile hike today around local trails. Windy but dry. Some pretty foot scenery and we finished in the The Boot pub along the road. Looking forward to getting home tomorrow.

7th August 2021 - Stonehenge

Long shitty boring wet drive to Wiltshire. Stopped at Avebury and had a look at the stones. Really cool place. Arrived at Stonehenge campsite. It’s okay but nothing special. Explore tomorrow!

6th August 2021 - Wadebridge

Second day at shepherds hut. Windy weather is spoiling this a bit. Can’t really light fire pit, although we are going in hot tub tonight if rain holds off.   Went to Padstow for lunch and then visited Lanhydrock manor. Beautiful gardens and a fantastic stately home. Takeaway curry tonight then heading to Stonehenge

5th August 2021 - Wadebridge

Staying three nights in a shepherds hut about 4 miles from Wadebridge. Beautiful location. Hot yesterday so we used the hot tub and had a BBQ on the fire pit. Today it’s windy, cold and raining.  Had a poodle around Rock today. Nice houses but there’s nothing else there!  We did have lunch at a nice pub though.

4th August 2021 - Watergate Bay

Walked to Newquay yesterday along the coastal path. About 10miles total. Strange place. First bit is like Whitley Bay with the shit kicked out of it. Second bit is quite quaint. Had lunch at the boathouse down by the harbour. Small pop up restaurants and you order via app. Really good. Weather still a bit hit and miss. We move on today towards Rock and our shepherds hut.

3rd August 2021 - Watergate Bay

Decent holiday so far although it’s been a bit cold. Sunday did a cliff top hike to Mawhan  Porth. Had lunch and wine.  Yesterday had a beach day.  We’re walking to Newquay today.