
Showing posts from September, 2020

9th September 2020 - Eskdale

Hiked up Illgill Head today. Nice dry weather apart from the wind. Fantastic views of Scafell and Wasdale  head.  Didn’t realise we were that close. May have hike there in future for a pint.

8th September 2020 - Eskdale

Crap rainy weather again. Went for a soggy hike. Nice walk but couldn’t see much. Getting fed up of the rain! Did get my Helvellyn photos. Some of them are okay. Ate pie in the Boot Inn which was excellent.

7th September 2020 - Eskdale

Interesting day. Did Helvellyn triathlon yesterday. Hardest race I’ve ever done.  Legs destroyed! Travelled to Borrowdale this morning but couldn’t get on site for flooding. So we came to Eskdale. Pissing down all day so no adventures to report.

10th September 2020 - Eskdale

Had an easy walk along the river today. Mel and Steve were too knackered from yesterday to go further. Just been to Woolpack for pizza. Home tomorrow.

5th September 2020 - Glenridding

Arrived for tomorrow’s race.  It’s pissing down, windy and freezing.  Standard. Could do with a beer but I’m being good. Site is okay and all open - Gillside Camping