
Showing posts from January, 2020

19th January 2020 - Tenerife

Last day.  Just packing bags to go home 🙁 Yesterday we had a short walk to town and then spent the rest of the day reading next to the pool. Been a great holiday but I’m bloated with eating so much.  Looking forward to healthier food back home.

18th January 2020 - Tenerife

Early start for a trail run through the nature reserve opposite the hotel.

17th January 2020 - Tenerife

Great hike this morning in Teide National park. We walked through what can only be described as a lunar landscape. Lava fields either side of the trail before reaching the summit of  Montana de la Botija for stunning views to Teide. Chilled this afternoon next to the pool.  Had a half hour swim before having a few beers!

15th January 2020 - Tenerife

We are staying at an all inclusive hotel on the South coast.  Sandos San Blas.  Food is good and drinks are flowing. Had a short run this morning along to nearby town. Smallish with a harbour.   Then after breakfast we drove in our Fiat 500 to Güímar. Had a two hour hike through it’s volcanic trails. Really beautiful. We’ve spent the afternoon reading next to the pool. Back in the room now getting ready for dinner.