
5th February 2023 - Wengen

Arrived yesterday after an adventure train transfer from Geneva. Staying at Falken hotel which is 1920’s quirky. Really like it! Skiing today has been really good. Stopped for a few beers here and there.  

13th October 2022 - Venice

First day in Venice.  Got here early after a 12:30am start 😬. Spent the day poodling around the streets and drinking Aperol spritz!   Back resting in hotel Orion now before heading out for food.

1st September 2022 - Annecy

Left Chamonix after a great week. Arrived at Annecy. We are staying at Les Rives Du Lac. Really nice site on the lakes edge, not far from where we stayed in 2020.  First day chilled and had a beer in Annecy. Yesterday cycled the lake with Mel and had lunch half way around. (I actually did two loops!) Planning a bit of paddle boarding today before starting the homeward journey tomorrow.

25th August 2022 - Chamonix

Great couple of days. Yesterday took the cable car to top of Aguilar du midi. Spectacular mountain views of Mount Blanc. Freezing up there and air was thin. I struggled with dizziness a couple of times!  We then hiked to Mer de Glaze and got the mountain train back down. Today we took the chair lift up from here and hiked up to the glacier off Mont Blanc. Had a fantastic lunch at a small mountain shed!  Going out for curry tonight.

23rd August 2022 - Chamonix

Just back from and excellent morning of paragliding.  One of the most fun things I’ve ever done.  Can’t really explain how good it was. Can’t wait to see the video.   It’s really hot today after a freezing cold night.  Back at the van after having a wine and cheese/meat feast for lunch. Going out tonight.

22nd August 2022 - Chamonix

On holiday in Chsmonix. Drove done Sunday after a couple of days in Normandy where we visited the Blockhaus where they made V2 rockets.  Had a short hike up to a little restaurant today for lunch with stunning views of Mont Blanc. Paragliding tomorrow! Staying at Camping De Ecrueils, about 2 miles from Chamonix. Lovely little site.